For Employee Salary Bills and Claims DDO Request Treasury

By | January 9, 2022

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Know More Employee Salary Bills and Claims DDO Request Treasury

Through the new treasury portal, DDO request access for claims and salary bills is live

In today’s developing India Drawing and Disbursing officers have a major role. Has all of the organizations are now one step ahead and have shifted to online Human Resource and Development system software.

The DDOs take care of employee salary slips and play an important part in the organizations. With the workload or extra manpower used now, salary is disbursed conveniently among employees

DDO Officers observe the payment to employees against their working days and leaves taken. DDO officer can be reached if any employee wants to avail of services at the official website. The employee would have to raise a request for registration first

Type of serviceDDO Request
stateAP, Telangana, Odisha, Jharkhand, HP, Maharashtra
ObjectiveThrough treasury Processing of Salary bills and Claims of employees digitally

DDO Request AP

Follow these simple steps to get access to the admin authority of the official website and log in as a DDO in AP

  1. AP Treasury Portal Login

      Go to

  • Enter DDO Login Details

Fill in the DDO code and password

  • Submit

Wait for details verification after clicking submit

  • Strat Work as Admin

To proceed with the admin work the DDO page with all the credentials is loaded

Telangana DDO RequestTelangana

  1. Treasury DDOREQ portal at
  2. Fill in DDO Code
  3. Fill in the password
  4. Click submit button to authorize Grantin aid and create new treasury bills as DDo

Process To Make Salary Bill in DDO Request

By using DDO request of the salary the main responsibility of DDO is to prepare the salary

Here are the steps to prepare salary through DDO Request

  • DDO To get employee data of no. of working days, leaves, and extra hours
  • As the package with the organization salary slip is filled. Tools fill the salary slip automatically
  • To make salary slip updated for the respective month DDO make the extra benefit or deductions applies
  • On the day of salary, the same salary slip is disbursed after filling in all the details
  • With the intervention of the HRMS tool and the supervision of DDO, the disbursement of salary gets completed quickly

What role does a DDO have?

DDO looks after the financial system of the organization and is an important authority DDO draw the money from treasury account and disburse it to employee account on salary day

Where can I make DDO request?

At the official portal, a DDO request can be made For salary slip generation DDO login to the portal with his credentials and raise a request To update any details in the online portal employees can always ask DDO

How can I contact DDO?

To enrich and protect the financial system of the department every department has many DDO’s From the official portal employee can access the DDO with its details. And get their record updated

How to ask for a DDO Request password?

By clicking the forgot password link DDO can generate a new password As the credentials of DDO Officers are very important official link can be sent to Nodal Office. The password is critical and not to be shared with anyone

How to raise DDO Request for a Salary increase?

The duty of DDO is to prepare and disburse employee salary slips The employee salary is pre-decided while joining the organization and no changes can be made in it as it is restricted to the Nodal Office

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