Interest Rate History PPF From 1986 to 31st March 2021

By | January 18, 2022

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Interest Rate History PPF From 1986 to 31st March 2021

Confirmed PPF interest rate table announced by the government prior to the launch of the scheme is given PPF account SBI having current and old interest rates are shown, Check if your account is credited with the amount or not also check using EPF calculator how much interest you would gain at the end of year

PPF Interest Rate

A determined interest rate is given throughout the year to the PPF account holder no matter PPF account is in the bank, post office, or other financial services, and throughout PPF scheme term

To learn more you can contact the respective bank, post office, or financial service if you want to gain information about current PPF interest rates Mostly the PPF interest rate ranges between 7.8% to 8.0% Depending upon the national budget or economic conditions drastic changes may occur

At the registered offices all related information is available The interest rate of PPF was around 8.1% to 8.75% during the period 2016-17 that has been dropped down to7.8% to 8.0%

PPF interest rate is revised when a new budget is given Sometimes in the budget the interest related information is described For the same year income tax exemption is given to the amount in the account of PPF account holder

As the Government of India is involved there are no risks and the scheme is completely secure since the date when the PPF scheme was launched to the current PPF rates are given in the table

Interest Rates PPF

FromToPPF Interest Rate

Before investing in the scheme investors must check the disadvantages of the PPF scheme But the advantages are much more in the case of the PPF scheme As it is offered by the Government of India investors can safely invest in it

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