At Khajane 2 For K2 Challan Generation Or Online Status

By | January 6, 2022

Khajane 2 or K2 Challan Generation Or Check Online Status 

K2 challan online payment | Add the details for K2 challan generation by login to Khajane 2 portal. After payment of challan set UTR status online

In order to digitalize everything Karnataka government has initiated the Khajane II portal This portal allows the government to properly manage its finances and the portal is made to serve both employees and citizens

The main feature of the K2 challan form is to give the opportunity through the website of government service to pay for any services from anywhere with a lot of online payment methods already available

Portal Name Khajane 2
State Karnataka, India
Objective IFMS portal managing comprehensively the financial business of the Government with Challan services to citizens.


helpdesk 080 22288801
email k2.helpdesk@


Khajane 2 is the only platform that provides challan generation, search, status, and much more about Pension Schemes to the citizens. This article provides a complete guide to Online Challan Generation Process This guide also explains the login process at Khajane 2 online portal. To potentially check and verify employee challans this is all.

K2 Challan Important Links: 

Services On Khajane 2 Portal :-

  • Challan Generation
  • Challan Search
  • Challan payment status verification
  • Facilitation centers for Citizens
  • Karnataka Pensioner Payment Status check
  • New Pension schemes
  • UTR search

To generate a K2 challan is the most important thing citizen can do using Khajane 2 online portal. Payment can be made online or the k2 challan form can be saved to use for offline payment. Ways to generate and make your payments are discussed in the following steps

Generation Of K2 Challan

To generate Khajane 2 challan online for different categories check out the process described below

  1. Visit K2 Challan Portal

Open Khajane 2 online portal using the link

  • Choose Services and Challan

Select the services option and tap to click generate challan

  • Enter the details

On the challan generation, page fill in the remitter, password, and purpose details

  • Details of remitter

 Your personal information is to be entered here

  • Details of Department

Select Department and area for which challan is being generated

  • Purpose Details

Mention the purpose of challan generation

  • Click Submit

Tap submit button to generate your challan

  • Payment Completion

You will see different  payment options to complete the challan payment after being directed to the payment page

What is the K2 Challan Srujane?

The Karnataka Khajabe 2 online portal also known as K2 Challan Srujane is the online portal used by the government to manage finances. It is accessible to both citizens and government employees

What is the customer care number for K2 Challan?

Customer care can be contacted in case of finding an issue with the K2 form You can either call at 080-22288801 or drop an email here at

What is UTR?- Steps to search K2 challan UTR status

You will receive a UTR number once you proceed with any payment using the K2 platform. UTR stands for Unique Transaction Reference number that allows the easy tracking of challan payment

  1. Visit Karnataka K2 online portal at
  2. Select the services option
  3. A search page will be opened as you click search UTR status under the services tab
  4. Fill in the UTR number and the captcha code from the image
  5. Click the search button and find results

How to proceed with the K2 challan generation diploma exam fee?

Under the K2 challan generation to make the diploma exam fee payment select the type as government and the department as education Then select your exam type

The process to login to K2 challan generation website – Login process of K2 challan generation online portal

Any account creation is not required till now as all the citizens who might have used the platform know already. They make the process easier by offering direct challan generation and payment for most of the services

Sometimes it is hard to count the number of challan forms paid using this portal To ensure the payment proceeding a message is received on the registered mobile number and after doing the final payment, the acknowledgment can be saved as a PDF

What is the way to submit Khajane 2 treasury challan?

Select TP as the type when you submit the K2 challan To submit the treasury challan click “Treasury” challan as department

How to search Khajane 2 Challan using reference number?

You can use a challan reference number or bank reference number to search for any payment challan

  1. Visit Khajane 2 official website
  2. From the options of services click the search challan option
  3. Fill in the challan reference number or bank reference number
  4. Enter the captcha code as in the image and click search to find the challan

Can I have a K2 challan generation video?

The above article clearly describes the process to generate a K2 challan form but a set K2 challan video is not available

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