Login to pfms.nic.in Portal to Download View PFMS Payslip.
For employees to check the salary details PFMS Employee payslip can be downloaded online. Monthly savings, deductions,s, and earnings can be seen online in salary slip which is credible proof From the source pfms.nic.in print, the payslip anytime Check the process to recover PFMS user ID if forgot
Payslip PFMS
PFMS allows Anyone who got retired from the organization to get its profile removed from the portal as it gives the salary slips of only existing employees and to get profile removed is also an easy process It would take a long to get the pay sheet for any month to be viewed online
A good view of payslips of every month is available as PFMS salary slip of any month can be seen using this portal After registration and new login by following the steps you can download the PFMS payslip online
If you have already registered on PFMS Portal here are the steps to login and this is the procedure for first time users Follow these steps correctly
Online PFMS Salary Slip
- Go to the official portal of PFMS
Visit the PFMS official portal using the link pfms.nic.in
- Click login button
At the right side of the page click the login option
- Choose a financial year and fill in the login ID
Select the financial year and enter PAN number as employee ID
- Fill in the password and click Login
Enter the corrected password you have changed ad login
- Choose pay option
Select pay related option and click view payslip
- Select pay year and pay month
To generate a payslip choose a particular pay year and month
- Click the option view payslip and download
PFMS Salary slip opens in a new page as you click the view payslip option Here you have the option to Download/Print
What to do if I have lost my registered email address and mobile number to PFMS?
By visiting PFMS Office and applying a form with existing details if your registered mobile number and email address is lost a new email and mobile number can be updated
I forgot my PFMS user ID what to do?
User ID of the employee is actually his PAN number You can contact the department office if have any concerns regarding the user ID
- To Access PFMS Employee Portal PFMS Login Registration
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