The Encumbrance Certificate provides detailed information about a property including the history of the property. This certificate is provided by the government’s sub-registrar office.
It has been observed that citizens visit the sub registrar office physically to obtain the EC for a property and sometimes it takes even days to get the certificate. However, the online TN EC option by the Tamil Nadu government has made it convenient for the citizens to get the EC without any wastage of time and has also helped to check that the property is free of any monetary liability.
The Encumbrance Certificate can be downloaded via the TNREGINET portal of the Tamil Nadu government by following the below steps:
- Log on to the TNREGINET portal(
- Select the desired language from the top-right corner
- Select E-Services from top menu
- Go to Encumbrance Certificate -> Tap on View EC
- Select EC to view the certificate
- Select Zone -> District -> Sub-Registrar Office
- Provide the EC start and end date
- Select Village/Area
- Enter the Survey Number -> Subdivision Number
- Click Add -> Type the security code displayed
- Click on the search button and wait for the results to be displayed
- The Encumbrance Certificate for the property will be displayed on your screen
- You can select the option and download it for future reference

Can I get TN EC online any time?
Certain areas have EC starting from 01.01.1975 but others may have it from 1983 or 2003. So do check the date of EC availability if getting an error.
Am I supposed to pay for an Encumbrance Certificate in Tamil Nadu?
No, since the EC is now available online, the citizens do not have to pay any amount to get it. It can directly be downloaded from the TNREGINET portal of the Tamil Nadu state government.
Can the Encumbrance Certificate for Tamil Nadu be obtained offline?
Yes, the EC can be obtained in offline mode as well, by visiting the respective sub-registrar office and filling a form.
Are there any charges for EC in Tamil Nadu?
A minimal amount is charged for obtaining the EC in offline mode which will have the sub-registrar’s stamp on it.