Check and Online Pay Mumbai Property Tax Dues

By | April 2, 2022

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Check and Online Pay Mumbai Property Tax Dues

Simple and easy process to check the Mumbai property Tax dues online and to pay the taxes through the portal

To build up the infrastructure and to carry on developmental work the property taxes collected are the biggest source for Municipal Corporations For the property in the zone of Municipal Corporation the Government of India allows to collect certain specified taxes that are to be given to State government and the amount is spent on roads, public places, parks, and similar projects

MCGM Property Tax

The Mumbai Property Tax dues are to be paid for all the properties whether residential or commercial located in Mumbai before the arrival of the due date in order to avoid penalties

For the property owners residing in the area of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, a certain property tax is applicable on the property Based on propert dimension property taxes are levied

The below given process can be used by the citizens to check their MCGM property taxes or to get the exact details of the property taxes online for easy reference

Mumbai Property Tax- Process to Check Online

  1. Visit Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai official website at
  2. Choose English if required or click continue if convenient
  3. Tap the option Property Tax (New) from the quick links given
  4. To move to the Citizen Portal Sevices click the skip button
  5. Fill in the property account number under CVS login Enter the Captcha and click login
  6. If you know the property tax number this option is to be used
  7. If the Property tax number is to be searched click the search option given under the CVS login
  8. Choose Ward from the drop-down
  9. Fill in the Billing name or billing address or AssesseeName or Address of the property
  10. To get the details  click search Now Tap the respective radio button or save the property account number from the list containing matching MCGM property tax details which are displayed on your screen
  11. Follow step 5 given and verify your property details
  12. To open the pdf document on a separate page Click the View Bill Radio Button
  13. To get the complete tax details on the screen click the Check details option given

To complete the payment of MCGM property tax dues the owners of the property that belongs to the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai can use the below-given method and get their dues cleared

Online Payment Mumbai Property Tax

  1. Go to
  2. From the Quick links click the option Property Tax (New) and then the skip button
  3. Under the CVS login fill in your Property Account Number and the Captcha code
  4. To pay the property tax dues click login and get your details verified
  5. Enter the amount to be paid (Full due amount or Partial amount)
  6. Click the online payment option and Agree
  7. From the drop-down choose the payment gateway and click the pay now button
  8. Click the iNternet banking option and choose Bank Using the credentials complete the payment
  9. For the confirmation of dues as cleared a receipt number is generated for the completed MCGM property tax payment, This receipt number is to be kept as it shows that you have cleared the MCGM property taxes

To search the property for Mumbai property tax payment it is mandatory to enter the name?

Name as per the property documents is to be entered for the citizens who need to know their property tax number To get the matching results for the name and address the same name is to be used for the search

Where are the Mumbai Property Taxes used?

To provide all the services to the citizens the MCGM property tax amount is used for roads construction, a Government school and parks, street lights, and other commodities Municipal Corporation collects the amount annually from the property holders that are invested in developmental work in the zone

Is it possible to get the MCGM property tax payment receipt?

Yes, from the official website of MCGM online property tax payments are completed From the pay property Tax link receipt option is to be used to get the Mumbai Property Tax Payment receipt

  • Support Details/Covered Areas for EPF Thane 2 Office
  • Online Vadodara Corporation Professional Tax Payment
  • Pay LIC Premium from Paytm App or Online Paytm Portal
  • Online or Offline Property Tax Bill Payment Ahmedabad
  • Online Property Tax Payment Kolkata for Annual Tax
  • Pay Life Insurance Premium with LIC Online Payment
  • Download Payment Receipt for Kolkata Property Tax Payment
  • Online MCD Property Tax Payment for Dehli East, North, and South
  • Premium Payment LIC Using Phonee App Wallet Balance or IB
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