What is Practicing Chartered Accountant’s Unique Document Identification Number (UDIN)?
For the Chartered Accountants practicing in India Unique Document Identification Number is crucial.
Unique Document Identification Number (UDIN):
For any of the documents certified/attested by a chartered accountant Unique Document Identification Number (UDIN) is the number generated by the system and is get registered with the UDIN portal at https://udin.icai.org
Complete Registration Process:
- UDIN consists of 17 digits. The algorithm functioning is as follows
- The first six digits are considered the membership numbers
- The next 7 digits show the certification date in the format DD/MM/YY
- And the system generated serial numbers are the last 5 digits
Following given are the documents issued by Chartered Accountants.
- Goods & Service Tax Act (GST)
- Value Added Tax (VAT)
- Service Tax Commission (STC)
- Banks
- Utilization Certificates
- Companies Act
- Income Tax Act
- Accounting
- Auditing Cost & Financial Management
- Direct Taxes
- Finance & Capital Market
- Financial Management
- Indirect Taxes
- Information Technology
- Insurance & Risk Management
- International Taxation
- Public Finance & Government Accounting
- Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA)
- Others
- Member Login
- Generate UDIN
- Keywords/Values
- List UDIN
- Print UDIN
- Search UDIN