Info on Star Health Insurance Claim Form for Medical Claim Filing.
Insured member with Star Health Insurance get their medical bills and treatments on easy claim Under the Star Health Insurance Scheme around 5400 hospitals offer cashless hospitalization But in some emergency situation the family may be asked to pay the bills
By attaching valid hospital bills and discharge summary the amount can be reimbursed by using Star Health Insurance Claim The claim process is not tiring at all, The treatment is never stopped during the claim process as most of the hospitals are agreed with Star Health Insurance
Claim Form Star Health Insurance
From the website of Star Health Insurance, the claim form can be downloaded directly and can be filled for reimbursement The process to be followed if the treatment proceeds under a non-network hospital If the hospital is not agreed for a cashless transaction or the Star Health Insurance is not acceptable
For the insured guardian, it is a must to pay the complete treatment and medical expenses Without using Star Insurance ID all such dues are paid in advance or by cashless transaction From the hospital it is a must to get complete bills and expenditures summary The reimbursement is only possible if official and valid medical bills are attached
Using online mode there is a way to claim the paid expenses from Star Health Insurance or the nearest branch can be visited The queries or issues can also be addressed by making a call to Star Health Insurance Customer Care
Having the health insurance policy, there is a certain guideline that needs to be followed in order to file a medical claim for the expenses and treatment Within 15 days of the treatment the claim must be filed by the insured person
- Online download the Star Health Insurance claim form
- With all details in capital letters fill-up the application
- As per the Star Health Insurance Details, the name and address must be the same
- Hospital details and address is to be provided
- Treatment details and diagnostics done in the hospital are to be mentioned
- With the entire split number for reference, claim amount is to be written
- Admission and discharge date with full summary
- To read the claim discharge summary is must
All these details are to be filled in the Star Health Insurance Claim form To submit the form nearest branch can be visited or an online e-claim portal of Star Health Insurance can be used to initiate the reimbursement process
Star Health Insurance claim Form Required Documents
For reimbursement claim form is must and to verify the patient the documents are to be verified To complete the claim process the full list of documents is to be uploaded or submitted to Star Health Insurance
- The claim form of Star Health Insurance must be duly signed by the patient and hospital
- Correct full name with proof of Government ID
- Treatment details explained in the hospital discharge summary
- The details of tests, treatment, and consultation process with hospital letter
- Original discharge bill with the total amount paid
- Medicine and test bills original
- Split Bills in case of partial payments made during treatment
- Canceled check by the patient with clear name and signature
To process and provide the reimbursement amount these are the documents that are to be provided to Star Health Insurance After complete verification of treatment taken under Star Health Insurance the claim is accepted
Claim Process Star Health Insurance
The insurer has to submit the completely foiled Star Health Insurance Claim Form with all the asked documents to the insurance office or online website It is also mandatory to send all the insurance details to the mail address of the insurance office To get initiated with a reference number in hand
Claim Submission
The documents as asked by Health Insurance Executive are to be submitted after the creation of reference number The executive will remain in touch during the whole process and the insurer will have to provide all required documents as asked for verifications
Document Verification Process
As the policy is taken from Star Health Insurance the verification process is done as the first step and the amount ready to be reimbursed will be displayed Considering all the taken medical treatments the claim amount is given to the policyholder
Personal Verification
With the documents, a Star Health Insurance executive visits the hospital and verify the patient is under treatment As mentioned in the discharge slip it is ensured that diagnosis has been made in the same hospital
Payment Processing
After the document verification and the patient verification gets completed the amount is proceeded for reimbursement Within 10 to 15 days through the NEFT process the amount is transferred to the bank account
How many days are required for reimbursement of Star Health Insurance?
15 to 20 days are required to complete the verification process after submitting the claim form with the required documents For the credit of claim amount 10 days are required after verification For the entire claim process minimum of 30 days are required
Is the medicine bill covered under Star Health insurance claim?
Yes, The medicine bills number are also included under the Star Health insurance claim For the policy taken and verified by the patient same will be scrutinized
Are individual bills required for Star Health Insurance claims?
With the claim, all the medical bills including medical bills, tests bills, split bills paid during treatment along with summarize bills are to be submitted
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