Every initiative submitted by the government during each budget session prioritizes women and children. The E Sadhana program focuses on child care and women’s empowerment.
This program was launched jointly by the state governments of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. For residents of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh, E Sadhana offers several activities that they may use to check out a variety of services.
This service is administered by the Department of Women, Children, Disabled, and Senior Citizens. Every aspect of ESadhanawas is meant to ensure that every eligible individual in the state received assistance.
E Sadhana
The system has various features for women and children, which are described below that are always accessible to assist them in thriving in society.
- Health education and immunization
- Malnutrition immunization is a method of preventing malnutrition.
- Supplementation with vitamins and minerals
- Education has a good effect on the lives of youngsters.
- Referral services are available.
- Services for health screening
Let’s look at the ESadhanaservices that give thorough information on the services. The technique is the same in each state, although each has its unique amenities and titles.
E Sadhana Services in Andhra Pradesh
Under the ESadhanaproject, the state government of Andhra Pradesh provides the following services.
- Software for Common Applications (CAS)
- Management Information System (MIS) is an acronym that stands for Management Information System.
- AWW, and AWW Recruitment Systems are two different types of AWW recruitment systems.
- Dashboard POSHAN, Abhiyaan
- Milk Supply Tracking System
- Suppliers’ Egg Tracking System
- The AWC’s Monitoring Tool
- Kishori Vikas dashboard
- Rapid Reporting Methodology
E Sadhana Services in Telangana
The Sadhana TG project provides the following services to Telangana students.
- Information System for Anganwadis (AASR)
- A community health center is known as an Anganwadi.
- The AWTC has an online reporting system.
- Memorandums and Instructions
- Commodity Supply Chain Management System
- On the internet, FCR
- Commodity Supply Tracking System
- System for Budget and Expenditure Monitoring
- An MPR system with a web interface is available.
ESadhana may be accessed by logging in.
Each state has its login process, as they may access their advantages via a different website.
Login to the ESadhana TG website.
Telangana residents may use the procedures below to access and log in to the ESadhanaTG website.
- The official website is wdcw.tg.nic.in.
- Choose ‘web-based MRP system’ from the main home page.
- Enter your eSadhana username and password on the login page.
- Click the Signing button after providing your unique security PIN.
- That’s all; you’ve now successfully signed into Telangana State’s eSadhana and are free to access its services.
Login to the ESadhana Application Programming Interface (API).
By following the procedures mentioned below, citizens of the state of Andhra Pradesh may log in to eSadhana and enjoy its services.
- Wdcw.ap.gov.in is the official webpage.
- Go to mis.wdce.ap.gov.in from the main page to reach the Management Information System login page.
- Fill up your user id and password from your eSadhana AP registration.
- Before hitting the submit button, wait for the information to be checked.
- That’s all there is to it; you’ve successfully logged in using your Andhra Pradesh State credentials, and you may now use all of the site’s features as you choose.
Is it government employees to work as an Anganwadi via E Sadhana?
Anganwadi is a government-sponsored initiative that helps children and their mothers. Anganwadi jobs aren’t permanent; they’re contract roles that look after the government’s eSadhana project’s infrastructure.
Is it possible to register my pregnancy through E Sadhana?
If you want to be a mother, you should enroll in the Anganwadi system at the top Anganwadi school. The nurse will collect your information and enter it into the E Sadhana website, where you may apply for different programs both during and after your pregnancy.
Is E Sadhana’s Budget Monitoring system open to the general public?
The authorities in charge of the E Sadhana program will use the budget and expenditure monitoring system. The DDO office offers access to this system portal, where they must regularly update data and give enough public information to ensure that money is used correctly.
With E Sadhana, how many eggs will we be able to obtain?
Thee Sadhana was intended to help children’s immune systems by giving daily essentials to the youngster and the mother. An Anganwadi teacher, according to statistics, is distributing two eggs to each other and their child via this project. Until the child reached a certain age and the mother’s pregnancy ended, this service was offered.
How can E Sadhana be used to find children who have gone missing?
Residents of Telangana may utilize the official link provided in E Sadhana to report their missing children or track them down. This alerts all Anganwadis and other E Sadhana services about the missing child, making it easier to find them. The ‘track the missing child portal’ link may be found among the other links on the E Sadhana website.
What is MPR in the E Sadhana portal?
Medication Possession Ratio is an acronym that stands for Medication Possession Ratio. At any given time, the MPR determines the fraction of patients taking medicine. MPR calculates the supply of medications to a patient service depending on the number of days utilized.